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The JASG Nihongo/Eigo-Kai is a friendly social gathering for anyone looking for an opportunity to practice or just chat in Japanese or English to improve their conversation skills – speaking, listening, pronunciation, accent reduction, etc. The meetings are held at coffee shops, meeting rooms, and other venues in Metro Atlanta on the last weekend of each month.

本語と英語の会話、聴解、発音、アクセント矯正の勉強会に参加しませんか。不得意な点を練習をして、日本語・英語に磨きをかけましょう。会場は、アトラン タ地域のコーヒーショップ等で毎月最終の土曜日か日曜日に開かれます。気軽な雰囲気の中で参加者と会話を楽しみ、皆さんと友達になりましょう。

Nihongo Eigo-Kai is held the last Saturday of every month from 11:00 am -12:30pm.

To help us make proper arrangements and for us to send final details, RSVP is required HERE or please visit

2025 Meeting Locations

 January 25th JASG Office
 1900 Century Pl NE # 112, Atlanta, GA 30345
 February 22nd Beard Papa's (Peachtree Corner) 5215 Town Center Blvd #620, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
 March 29th Sweet Hut (Doraville) 5150 Buford Hwy NE A-100, Doraville, GA 30340
 April 26th JASG Office 1900 Century Pl NE # 112, Atlanta, GA 30345
 May 31st Barnes and Noble (Georgia Tech) 48 5th St NW, Atlanta, GA 30332
 June 28th Mozart Bakery (Doraville) 5301 Buford Hwy NE, Atlanta, GA 30340
 July 26th JASG Office 1900 Century Pl NE # 112, Atlanta, GA 30345
 August 30th Sweet Hut (Kennesaw) 2795 Chastain Meadows Pkwy NW #900, Marietta, GA 30066
 September 27th Momo Cafe (Momonoki) 95 8th St NW #100, Atlanta, GA 30309
 October 25th Decatur Square 509 N McDonough St, Decatur, GA 30030
 November 22nd JASG Office 1900 Century Pl NE # 112, Atlanta, GA 30345
 December 27th Beard Papa's (Duluth) 3350 Steve Reynolds Blvd suite 103, Duluth, GA 30096

Meeting Topics, Sample Questions & Vocabulary

RSVP / 申し込み -

If you would like to come or if you have any questions about Nihongo Eigo-Kai meetings, please contact us by


The Japan-America Society of Georgia, Inc.

is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote

mutual understanding between the people of Japan and the state of Georgia 

Phone: 404-842-1400    Email:

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