Kayobi-Kai is an on-going dinner outing event that meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at different restaurants in the metro-Atlanta area. Kayobi-Kai dinners are informal. Anyone who wants to come to make new friends and re-connect with old friends is welcome. All Kayobi-Kai meetings begin at 6:30p.m. Everyone is responsible for their own check at the end of the evening. Around 15 people attend Kayobi-Kai dinners, and depending on the restaurant we may have to cap attendance, so please sign up if you plan to attend, so we know to expect you. Should you have any suggestions and/or requests regarding restaurants for future Kayobi-Kai meetings, please do not hesitate to contact the JASG office and let us know your recommendations.
To help us make proper arrangements with restaurants, RSVP is required HERE or please visit http://goo.gl/forms/npwfdMf5sB.